4th session of Egyptian-Lebanese committee winds up

The fourth session of the Egyptian-Lebanese agricultural technical committee wound up here on Thursday under the co-chairmanship of Agriculture Minister El Sayed Qusair and his Lebanese counterpart Abbas el Hajj.

Qusair underlined the importance of settling all hurdles blocking exchanging expertize and offering technical support in the agricultural domain.

They agreed on facilitating measures to increase trade exchange, especially as regards the export of Egyptian potatoes, Egyptian palm and Lebanese apple.

They also agreed on activating official liaison points in the agricultural quarantine domain to find solutions to any hurdle blocking increasing trade exchange.

Qusair agreed to the Lebanese side’ request to benefit from the Egyptian expertize in coding farms and tracking exported agricultural products.

He called on the Lebanese side to cooperate with Egypt in phrasing an Arab strategy to face climate changes to present it at COP27 climate change conference to be hosted by Egypt in 2022.


Source: State Information Service Egypt