Kuwaiti businessmen’s delegation to Egypt third largest in Kuwaiti chamber’s history

A Kuwaiti business delegation which is currently on a visit to Egypt is the third largest, in terms of the number of participants, to be organized by the Kuwait Chamber of Commerce and Industry since its establishment 60 years ago.




The delegation, that comprised 46 Kuwaiti businessmen, met yesterday with President Abdel Fattah El Sisi and Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouli to explore ways of enhancing economic cooperation.




In this regard, Egypt’s Ambassador to Kuwait Osama Shaltout said Egypt and Kuwait have inked 105 cooperation agreements in all fields, pointing out that about 36,000 Kuwaiti students are currently studying at various Egyptian universities.




Shaltout noted that the volume of Egyptian exports to Kuwait in 2021 reached $236 million, adding that exports to Kuwait recorded $185 million in the first seven months of 2022, a matter which reflects a remarkable increase in the Egyptian exports to the Gulf country.




The volume of direct and indirect Kuwaiti investments in Egypt surpasses $15 billion, $4.9 billion of which are registered at the General Authority For Investments of Egypt.




Source: State Information Service Egypt