Diyala MP: Targeting doctors a dangerous security indicator calls intervention of PM

Baquba, The MP of Diyala Governorate, Muhammad Qutayba al-Bayati, described the assassination of Dr. Ahmed Talal al-Madfai in the center of Baquba district, the center of Diyala governorate, and the threat of the governorate’s doctors’ syndicate , as a “dangerous security indicator.”

Al-Bayati said in a statement: “Security in Diyala is still fragile and unstable and needs personal intervention by the Prime Minister and his responsibilities in making decisions that would protect the innocent,” noting: “Such crimes should be a wake-up call to start a real and serious treatment of all the causes and forms of security chaos that is now bothering the citizen in Diyala.

For its part, the Diyala Health Department confirmed that the assassination of Dr. Ahmed Al-Madfai is a new crime added to the series of crimes targeting doctors, especially in the province.

The department called on the security services to intensify their efforts to uncover the circumstances of the new crime and the parties behind it, and to take revenge from the sinful hands involved in the crime, so that it would be an example to those who plot in dark corners to stand up to the will and aspirations of the people.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency