Changhong Ranked Among China’s Top 50 Intelligent Manufacturing Enterprises

Its advanced 5G+Industrial Internet intelligent production line was a key factor in driving the inclusion in the coveted list MIANYANG, China, May 13, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Changhong, a top Chinese electrical household appliance maker, has recently been selected to enter China’s Top 50 Intelligent Manufacturing Enterprises list for its advanced 5G+Industrial Internet intelligent production line. The […]
  • Its advanced 5G+Industrial Internet intelligent production line was a key factor in driving the inclusion in the coveted list

MIANYANG, China, May 13, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Changhong, a top Chinese electrical household appliance maker, has recently been selected to enter China’s Top 50 Intelligent Manufacturing Enterprises list for its advanced 5G+Industrial Internet intelligent production line. The list was jointly released by CIWEEK (a publication of the Chinese Academy of Sciences), eNet Research Institute and De Ben Management Consulting.

Changhong 5A smart factory

In 2020, China’s first 5G+Industrial Internet production line was put into operation at Changhong’s smart display factory. It is one of the most advanced mass customization production lines for smart TVs in the country, enabling the integration of each step into one seamless workflow: planning, process, procurement, materials and finished products, all of which is facilitated through the monitoring and management of the entire production process via industrial equipment control systems.

In the same year, Changhong’s modular smart manufacturing center outside of China was established. Equipped with an information system bringing together an IoT cloud platform, big data, artificial intelligence, and other support technologies, the center serves as an industry-leading efficient, flexible and smart manufacturing system that supports mass customization of the final product. This marks Changhong’s successful transformation into an intelligent manufacturer.

Changhong began exploring markets outside of China In 1998. Following the establishment of its TV and air conditioning factory in Indonesia in 2000, Changhong opened its Czech Republic plant in 2005, becoming the first Chinese home appliance company to invest independently in Europe. In 2011, Changhong formed a strategic partnership with RUBA Group, Pakistan’s largest home appliance distributor, to establish Changhong RUBA Company and launch a joint venture to build a product line of TVs, refrigerators, and air conditioners, realizing the layout of a full range of home appliance production lines in Pakistan. In 2020, Changhong completed the installation and commissioning of new automated lines, as well as trial production tests, at its major overseas manufacturing bases, significantly improving factory capacity and efficiency.

Over the past decades, Changhong has accomplished a full blossoming of its products, manufacturing, technologies, and brands through a combination of internal and external efforts. So far, it has established 13 subsidiaries, three R&D centers, and five production bases overseas.

Looking ahead, with the goal of joining the World Economic Forum’s Global Lighthouse Network, Changhong intends to expand its presence into upstream and downstream value chains, such as refrigerator compressors and big data storage, while preserving its dominance in core products such as TVs, refrigerators, and air conditioners. By pushing the boundaries of key and core technologies, consolidating intelligent manufacturing and connecting it to both intelligent trading and intelligent R&D, then leveraging these new technologies to transform business operations, product development, production, quality management and consumer services, Changhong is redefining the future of intelligent manufacturing. It will be one characterized by enhancements in efficiency, energy conservation, emissions reduction, and business optimization.

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