Egyptian-Somali cooperation in fields of education, scientific research

Education Minister Tarek Shawqi and Higher Education Minister Khaled Abdel Ghaffar conferred with Somali Somali minister of education Abdullahi Abukar Haji on aspects of cooperation between Egypt and Somalia in the field of education.


During the meeting, both sides agreed on the importance of renewing the executive program inked between both countries and increasing the Egyptian scholarship presented to Somali students to reach 450 instead of 200.


Shawqi asserted the depth of Egyptian-Somali ties, lauding the visit of the official Somali delegation to Egypt and looking forward to more cooperation between Egypt and Somalia in the fields of education.


Shawqi also reviewed the efforts of the Egyptian Education Ministry to improve the education in Egypt, asserting the readiness of the ministry to cooperate in the field of education especially that it owns a new education system applied on the students in the early stage of education.


Meanwhile, Abdel Ghaffar asserted the importance of boosting ties between both countries, welcoming cooperation in the scientific and education fields.


Abdel Ghaffar shed light on “study in Egypt” initiative which allows education opportunities for the students of Somalia to study in the Egyptian universities.


Also, the meeting tackled means to exchange expertise between both countries in the field of technological and NGO universities.


Haji lauded Egypt’s efforts supporting the joint interests between both countries in the scientific and educational fields.


Source: State Information Service Egypt