CGTN: CPC sets example for global development

BEIJING, July 23, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Chinese President Xi Jinping’s speech at the 100th anniversary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) celebrations reflected the great achievements of the Party in leading China’s socio-economic development. In this anniversary year, it will certainly be remembered how reform and people-oriented policies promoted by the CPC have transformed […]

BEIJING, July 23, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Chinese President Xi Jinping’s speech at the 100th anniversary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) celebrations reflected the great achievements of the Party in leading China’s socio-economic development.

CPC sets example for global development

In this anniversary year, it will certainly be remembered how reform and people-oriented policies promoted by the CPC have transformed China, lifting 740 million people out of poverty in the last 40 years, reducing the poverty headcount ratio by 94.4 percentage points.

Mainstream Western economic thought and theory alone cannot explain the range of achievements China has made over the past 50 years, such as how it has grown from a poor and backward country to a global leader in manufacturing technical products today.

China’s infrastructure development, rapid urbanization, and ability to improve the well-being and happiness of its people are unmatched by other countries. China owes its economic miracle to the leadership of the CPC.

However, China cares about not only its own development. China has been making tireless efforts to promote multilateralism and solve global climate problems.

As former Prime Minister of Greece and President of the Socialist International George A. Papandreou said, China’s commitment to openness and multilateralism is of key importance not only for China’s prosperity but also for tackling effectively common global challenges. Common challenges ask for common solutions. Shared goals and embracing diversity is the path.

The current pandemic has shown how important the harmony between man and nature is. It has shown us in the cruelest way how there is a link between environment, nutrition, animal welfare and zoonotic diseases. We have become aware that policies for addressing climate change must go hand in hand with policies aiming to protect biodiversity.

China believes that addressing climate change is not simply a problem to be eradicated, but also an opportunity for sustainable economic growth. It can become a driving force for modernization with the potential to benefit the developing world as much as the developed along the lines of the UN SDGs (sustainable development goals).

All countries have a huge responsibility for mitigation in order to lower global emissions per capita. Of course, the richer nations must bear the heaviest burden and take into account the differences between the developed and the developing world.

“Decode the Real China” is a 13-episode series which invites 13 high-profile politicians, including former prime ministers and ambassadors to China, to interpret President Xi’s July 1 speech from the perspective of the development miracle created by China under the CPC, multilateral cooperation, the prospects of BRI cooperation and the response to global climate change.

The series focuses on the effectiveness of the leadership of the CPC and China’s development achievements through the eyes of other countries, with the aim of showing the world a real, three-dimensional and comprehensive China.

View the series to download multimedia:

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