Computer Vision for Cleaning and Sports. The Ukrainian IT Company Powercode Has Entered the Persian Gulf Market With Its Oil of the 21st Century

«Everyone is trying to create their metaverse» — The Ukrainian IT company has entered the Persian Gulf market with its oil of the 21st century KIEV, Ukraine, Nov. 23, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — According to a new Gartner survey, over 30% of technology companies worldwide plan to invest in artificial intelligence and computer vision technology $1 Million […]

«Everyone is trying to create their metaverse» — The Ukrainian IT company has entered the Persian Gulf market with its oil of the 21st century

KIEV, Ukraine, Nov. 23, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — According to a new Gartner survey, over 30% of technology companies worldwide plan to invest in artificial intelligence and computer vision technology $1 Million or more in the next two years. IT Entrepreneur Vladislav Savchenko says that business sees great potential for creating new products and services.

The Ukrainian IT company Powercode sometimes encounters very short deadlines from the customer. For instance, one of the cleaning companies in Germany (ATG) wanted to improve their customer service, and they needed something to optimize their interaction with clients. To solve this problem, the development team created a computer vision-driven mobile application that scans the facades of buildings and instantly calculates the cost of cleaning services. Thus, the facade cleaning takes significantly less time and steps than before.

The IT company came up with the idea that a client takes a photo and loads it into an app. The program quickly determines the size of the building, windows, and doors and charges an approximate price. The team implemented this digital solution in just a month.

«In the remote work age, we see an interesting trend today — everyone is trying to create their world in a smartphone, their metaverse. Like with the Pro Weightlifting app, developed together with the three-time European champion weightlifter Dmitry Chumak. Computer vision tracks the trajectory of the barbell and tells you how to lift it properly. Even amateur athletes can control their technique by uploading video training into the smartphone. This tech can also be introduced into other sports: by creating virtual personal coaches for runners or golfers», said Powercode founder and owner Vladislav Savchenko.

According to Ukrainian developers, computer vision is now used in the most extraordinary things: drones to survey power lines, robot couriers, or assistant surgeons. While Gulf countries are currently on a green economy path, this kind of technology could become the oil of the 21st century — making human life more productive.

Today, the Powercode team takes part in the EXPO 2020 in Dubai, which will last until the end of March 2022. In addition to the computer vision solutions pitch, the Ukrainian company presents an online showcase for e-commerce Foodex24 and the virtual office of the psychotherapist My Pocket Therapist presentations. Powercode projects conquered Europe and the US, so the company sees great potential for technological development in the Gulf countries.

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