RCJA: Israel should be held accountable for Al-Aqsa Mosque incursions

Secretary-General of Royal Committee for Jerusalem Affairs (RCJA), Abdullah Kanaan, said Israeli daily incursions into Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa Mosque is a crime as part of Israel’s growing attacks in the holy city and occupied Palestine , which calls on holding Tel Aviv accountable internationally. Kanaan, in an interview with “Petra,” on Wednesday, said Israel’s Judaizing policy reveals the true face of its extreme right-wing government, adding that its leadership, programs and alliances are based on mythical Zionist allegations, aimed to divide Al-Aqsa Mosque temporally and spatially, establish the alleged temple, and Judaize every inch in Jerusalem. RCJA sees activities to Judaize Jerusalem are becoming more dangerous, especially alleged Jewish holidays, which fuel hatred and extremism and sees heinous racist crimes against the Palestinians, he pointed out. In addition, he called on launching urgent international intervention to protect Palestinian people and their rights to worship and self-determination. Kanaan added: “If Israel wants peace, it must urgently stop all its violations, abide by all international resolutions related to Palestine, and avoid tampering with Jerusalem’s existing historical situation.” Jordan-run Islamic Endowments Department in Jerusalem is the only body with exclusive authority to manage Al-Aqsa Mosque affairs, he said. Jordan, he noted, will remain the historical custodian over Jerusalem’s Islamic and Christian sanctities and will maintain its firm support and defense for Palestine and Jerusalem, regardless of the sacrifices made.

Source: Jordan News Agency