Seegene Continues to Support Israel’s Effort to Manage the Omicron Variant With Timely Delivery of Five Million Tests

Seegene to export COVID-19 test that detects COVID-19 and Omicron along with its Master Assay that distinguishes between COVID-19 and other respiratory viruses SEOUL, South Korea, Jan. 17, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Seegene Inc. (KQ 096530), South Korea’s leading molecular diagnostics company, announced today that it has delivered over five million COVID-19 tests to Israel to help detect […]

Seegene to export COVID-19 test that detects COVID-19 and Omicron along with its Master Assay that distinguishes between COVID-19 and other respiratory viruses

SEOUL, South Korea, Jan. 17, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Seegene Inc. (KQ 096530), South Korea’s leading molecular diagnostics company, announced today that it has delivered over five million COVID-19 tests to Israel to help detect and mitigate the spread of the Omicron variant. The company sent 1.7 million diagnostic tests and associated consumables in December 2021, while additional 3.4 million tests are scheduled to be delivered in January.


Like much of the world, Israel started to experience a shortage of COVID-19 tests as Omicron was driving an unprecedented surge in cases. More seriously, the number of flu or ‘flurona’ patients who may be co-infected with flu and COVID-19 seems to increase this winter. Seegene’s prompt delivery of COVID-19 tests is expected to cover approximately 57% of Israel’s total 9 million population and play a crucial role in controlling the potential ‘twindemic’ season.

“We will continue to support countries in need of COVID-19 tests to improve global health,” said Dr. Jong-Yoon Chun, Seegene Founder, and CEO. “It is apparent that Seegene’s accurate COVID-19 tests screening all COVID 19 variants and syndromic tests with the respiratory essential panel are going to be a key to the global effort of returning to normal. Both tests will also help to manage lives with COVID-19 and other respiratory infections.”

Seegene will send various products to Israel, including its Allplex™ SARS-CoV-2 Master Assay and Allplex™ SARS CoV-2 FluA/FluB/RSV Assay.

  • Seegene’s Allplex™ SARS-CoV-2 Master Assay can quickly determine the spread of the new Omicron variant in real-time with multiplex PCR technology, rapidly identifying positive cases and those variants in a single reaction.
  • Allplex™ SARS CoV-2 FluA/FluB/RSV Assay can determine the exact cause of respiratory symptoms. A single test can distinguish between Influenza A and B, RSV, and COVID-19.

Visit for more information.

About Seegene, Inc.

Seegene, Inc. was founded in Seoul, South Korea in 2000 and has subsidiaries in the U.S.A., Canada, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, and the Middle East. Seegene, Inc. is an in-vitro diagnostics (IVD) company that has been turning innovative technologies into products through its pioneering R&D activities. Seegene owns its original patent technology including DPO™ (Dual Priming Oligonucleotide) for multiple target amplification; TOCE™ for multiple target detection in a single channel; MuDT™, the world’s first real-time PCR technology that provides individual Ct values for multiple targets in a single channel for quantitative assays.; and mTOCE™ multiplex mutation detection technology. With these cutting-edge molecular diagnostic (MDx) technologies applied to diagnostic kits and other tools, Seegene has enhanced the sensitivity, specificity, and disease-coverage per a test of PCR (polymerase chain reaction) to unprecedented levels by providing accurate high-multiplex PCR products that target and detect genes of multiple pathogens simultaneously per each fluorescence channel. This feature dramatically saves testing time and cost. Seegene continues to set new standards in MDx through cutting-edge innovations.

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Seegene’s Allplex™ SARS CoV-2 FluA/FluB/RSV Assay approved under Health Canada’s Interim Order

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