The Wolf of Wall Street film to launch NFT offering, powered by Aventus

To celebrate the film’s 10-year anniversary, Aventus has partnered with The Wolf of Wall Street’s rights holders to produce historical collection of NFTs LONDON, April 19, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Aventus, a Web3 solutions provider for enterprises, has partnered with the film rights holders for The Wolf of Wall Street and world-leading film producers and […]

To celebrate the film’s 10-year anniversary, Aventus has partnered with The Wolf of Wall Street’s rights holders to produce historical collection of NFTs

LONDON, April 19, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Aventus, a Web3 solutions provider for enterprises, has partnered with the film rights holders for The Wolf of Wall Street and world-leading film producers and editors to create The Wolf of Wall Street Experience: a series of NFT drops which will also act as a key to unlocking wider parts of the experience.

With a worldwide box office of almost $400M, five Oscar nominations including Best Picture, and a Guinness World Records entry for most swearing in a film, The Wolf of Wall Street’s impact on popular culture remains steadfast almost a decade after its release, with memes of the film continuing to generate millions of uses.

The Wolf of Wall Street Experience will give fans of the film and Web3 enthusiasts access to exclusive content, rewards, and experiences via a series of limited NFT drops, including never-before-seen scenes from the making of the film, unlockable content, experiences, and limited access to an invite-only event to celebrate the anniversary of the film.

The launch is scheduled for the second quarter of 2023, with additional benefits for early participants of the community.

The NFTs will be created by the carbon neutral Aventus Network, which is a layer 1 (parachain) on Polkadot – meaning the project will leverage the full benefits of the Polkadot ecosystem, including enhanced scalability, speed, interoperability and security. It also means NFT holders will be able to leverage the full benefits of interoperability across more than 50 blockchains, including Ethereum.

Alan Vey, Founder & CEO at Aventus, commented: “The Wolf of Wall Street is one of the most iconic films across not only popular culture more broadly, but specifically within the blockchain community. We’re thrilled to be able to bring this film to Web3 and to be a part of a historic moment for the industry as blockbuster becomes the latest sector to realise the benefits of NFTs in community building and engagement.”

Gavin Wood, Founder of Polkadot & Ethereum, added: “Polkadot’s parachain ecosystem aims to help blockchains achieve their objectives by providing enhanced scalability, security and interoperability, and it’s wonderful to watch Aventus leverage this support to enable this truly groundbreaking project.”

About Aventus
Aventus provides robust, flexible and managed Web3 solutions for businesses looking to leverage the benefits of blockchain in order to future-proof their operations, generate new revenue streams and improve operational efficiencies.

With a combined experience of over seven decades in Web3 and enterprise leadership, Aventus crafts optimised solutions tailored to an enterprise’s unique needs to enable Web3 transformation & education, and manages the solution – so enterprises can focus on what they do best.

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