159th Session of Arab League Council at Level of Foreign Ministers Kicks off


Cairo, The 159th session of the Arab League Council at the level of foreign ministers, presided over by Egypt, commenced today in the presence of Secretary General of the Arab League, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, and with the participation of Arab foreign ministers and their representatives.

The delegation for the meeting from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was led by Undersecretary of the Foreign Ministry for Multi-International Affairs, Dr. Abdulrahman bin Ibrahim Al-Rassi.

The ministerial meeting will go over the agenda, which has (9) key topics, including a number of political, economic, social, legal, financial, and administrative issues. The report of the Secretary General of the Arab League between the two sessions (158-159), in particular, will be discussed. The meeting will also review a draft agenda of the Arab summit’s regular session (32) to be held in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Source: Saudi Press Agency
