Government says it respects Jordanians’ right to express solidarity with Gaza

Government Communications Minister Muhannad Mubaidin said Monday that the government respects Jordanians’ right to express frustration and anger over the Israeli war in the besieged Gaza Strip.Mubaidin said during a meeting with the editors-in-chief of daily newspapers, the news directors of local television channels and the directors of official media in Amman that there are designated places to demonstrate and express solidarity with the Palestinians in Gaza, urging demonstrators to avoid calls to go out and demonstrate over the borders.During the meeting, Mubaidin praised the efforts of the local media and their national role in covering the events in the Gaza Strip and highlighting the marches in support of the steadfastness of the people of the besieged Strip.He noted the efforts of Jordan to mobilise international support that would stop the war on Gaza, preventing its spread to the occupied West Bank and avoiding regional instability.He emphasised the necessity of opening humanitarian corridors to
bring urgent medical and relief aid into the Strip.He reaffirmed Jordan’s full support for the Palestinians in realising their rights and establishing their independent, sovereign and viable state on the borders of June 4, 1967, with East Jerusalem as its capital and the necessity of building a political horizon to ensure opportunities for achieving just and comprehensive peace based on the two-state solution.Regarding the Jordanian military field hospital in the Gaza Strip, Mubaidin noted that the hospital would continue to remain in its place in Gaza, even though the hospital was unable to provide its services to patients during the last days due to the circumstances surrounding the Strip.He discussed the directives of His Majesty the King to the government to provide financial support to UNRWA by allocating an amount of JOD3 million.

Source: Jordan News Agency