Israeli authorities hand over the bodies of 47 Palestinians killed in Gaza

GAZA: The Israeli occupation forces today handed over the bodies of about 47 Palestinians killed by Israeli forces, through the Israeli-controlled Kerem Shalom crossing.

Medical sources said on January 30, the bodies of 100 civilians who were killed during the brutal ongoing Israeli aggression on Gaza Strip since October 7 were buried in a mass grave in the city of Rafah in the south of the Gaza Strip.

The bodies, some of which were decomposed, were stolen by occupation soldiers from hospitals and cemeteries during their incursion into different areas of the Gaza Strip.

Medical sources reported that an examination of the bodies revealed that there were significant changes made to them with signs of the theft of organs from corpses.

There had been previous incidents with bodies missing organs and bodies exhumed from graveyards, said medical sources.

In 2009, Israeli media revealed that the occupying state owns the largest human skin bank in the world, and years later, the director of the Israeli Skin Bank
told Israeli Channel 10, in March 2014, that the bank’s skin reserve amounts to about 170 square meters.

These numbers are considered illogical in Israel. Because it ranks third in the world, its population refuses to donate organs for religious beliefs, which has raised doubts about the source of these organs.

Yehuda Hess, who was director of the Israeli Forensic Medicine Institute, admitted in a 2009 documentary about the Palestinian issue to his participation in stealing organs from the bodies of Palestinians.

Source: Palestine News and Information Agency – WAFA