Israeli colonists install mobile house north of Ramallah

RAMALLAH: Israeli colonists erected a mobile house today on a Palestinian land in the town of Sinjil, located north of Ramallah in the occupied West Bank, according to local sources.

The Mayor of Sinjil, Muataz Tawafsheh, told WAFA that a group of colonists set up a tent and a caravan on a land belonging to local Palestinian residents near the Israeli military checkpoint north of the town.

He explained that Israeli occupation forces have been preventing residents from accessing their lands in the northern area of the town since October 7th, and have prohibited them from harvesting olives.

According to him, the situation has recently escalated with increased Israeli military orders seizing control of lands in the town for military purposes, as well as for expanding existing settlements and the roads connecting them.

Source: Palestine News and Information Agency – WAFA