Israeli forces to demolish house in Jenin refugee camp

JENIN: Israeli occupation forces today issued a demolition order against a Palestinian-owned house in the Jenin refugee camp, in the north of the west Bank, according to security sources.

Muhammad Barakat, the owner of the house, said that Israeli soldiers raided the house and handed him a notice to demolish his two-story house, which houses eight people.

Barakat said that he was only given a period of 96 hours to object the order. He pointed out that his father has been detained for 3 months in occupation jails.

In Jalboun, northeast of Jenin, colonists fired live bullets at civilian homes and towards a school in the said village.

The head of the village council, Ibrahim Abu Al-Rub, said that a group of colonists from the illegal colony of Merav opned alloys of gunfire towards multiple houses and at a basic school, under the protection of the occupation army.

In a separate context, a large Israeli military force raided the village of Faqoua and deployed in its streets and neighborhoods.

Source: Palest
ine News and Information Agency – WAFA