JBA affirms support, solidarity with Palestinian people

Jordan Businessmen Association (JBA) affirmed its solidarity and support with Palestine, amid the Israeli ongoing violations and brutal aggression against the Palestinian people in the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and city of Jerusalem, and desecration of Al Aqsa Mosque.In a statement on Sunday, the JBA condemned the Israeli ongoing aggression, lauding Palestinian people’s steadfastness and struggle.Additionally, the association affirmed its continued support for the Palestinian people to realize freedom and establish their independent state on their national territory with Jerusalem as its capital.The JBA appealed to the international community to intervene “immediately” to contain the current situation in the Gaza Strip, stop bloodshed, and protect Palestinian people from the Israeli army’s various violations and attacks and guarantee his right to life, dignity and security.JBA also called on all to support the Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) and organizations working in relief and services fields in th
e coastal enclave.

Source: Jordan News Agency