JBA eyes more French investments

The Jordanian Businessmen Association (JBA) said Saturday the Kingdom’s business community looks forward to attracting more French investments, especially in education, information technology and health sectors.

During a meeting this morning with French ambassador Alexis Le Cour Grandmaison, JBA President Hamdi Tabbaa said Jordanian-French trade relations have grown in recent years, referring to France as a key trading partner in Europe and Jordan is a gateway for French companies looking to expand in the Middle East and North Africa.

The Kingdom’s exports to France were at about $20 million last year, while imports stood at $796 million, he said.

Tabbaa said Jordanian-French investment and economic relations will see growth and diversify in coming years, especially as the two countries aspire to benefit from available competitive advantages.

For his part,the French envoy stressed the JBA’s key role in stimulating investments and creating job opportunities.

Source: Jordan News Agency