Jordan calls on finding internal solution to Sudan’s crisis

Jordan’s Representative to the Arab League, Amjad Adaileh, said any solution to Sudan’s current crisis must be internal to reflect Sudanese people’s will and aspirations, away from any foreign interference. Speaking at an Arab League meeting held at level of permanent representatives in its extraordinary session on Sudan’s developments on Monday, Adaileh noted Jordan supports any decision taken by the League Council to contain the crisis, stop fighting and bloodshed. Any future steps should also ensure a return to dialogue and establishment of a new phase to meet Sudanese people’s aspirations and contribute to enhancing the country’s political and economic security and stability, he noted, adding that Sudan is an “essential” pillar of Arab national security. Adaileh also called on all Sudanese parties to show spirit of national responsibility and uphold Sudan’s higher interests and its brotherly people, away from other considerations, to stop bloodshed and avoid internal infighting. “Price paid is security, stability, resilience and independence of Sudan and its unity and blood of its people,” he added. In addition, he pointed to importance of concerted Arab efforts and continued endeavors of the international community to meet Sudanese people’s urgent humanitarian needs and ensure “safe” evacuation of Arab citizens and foreigners in Sudan. Noting Jordan’s efforts in this field, he said eight flights were operated so far to evacuate Jordanian citizens and other Arab and foreign nationalities. Jordan, he noted, also contributed to delivering the first humanitarian aid from International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) to Sudan since the outbreak of the crisis. “Jordan is following up with great pain and concern the unfortunate developments taking place in Sudan, which left a number of civilians dead and wounded,”he said, extending the Kingdom’s sincere condolences and sympathy to the brotherly Sudanese people over innocent victims who died due to hostilities. Adaileh also offered condolences to Egypt over killing assistant administrative attaché at Egyptian Embassy in Khartoum.

Source: Jordan News Agency