New round of UK sanctions targeting suppliers to Myanmar regime

UK announced on Monday further sanctions against prominent arms dealer and aviation fuel suppliers in Myanmar.

Sanctions to target enablers of air force bombing campaign against civilian population. The Announcement comes as Myanmar marks its annual Armed Forces Day.

Those sanctioned today include a company and its director who supply the Myanmar Air Forces with aviation fuel and a second individual who is the director of a company, which supplies restricted goods and technology through its business.

Minister of State for the Indo-Pacific, Anne-Marie Trevelyan, said, “On Myanmar Armed Forces Day, the UK condemns the military’s increasingly brutal campaign against the Myanmar people.

Earlier announced, the sanctions are designed to reduce the military’s access to fuel and military equipment.

The UK will continue to work closely with partners to hold the military regime to account and support the people of Myanmar, as they strive for a return to democracy and freedom”.

These targeted sanctions will raise the cost for those profiting from, or supporting, the regime and restrict the military’s access to fuel and military equipment.

This will be the 15th round of targeted sanctions by the UK against the military regime in Myanmar.

On February first, 2021, the Myanmar military overthrew the democratically elected government, led by Aung San Suu Kyi, and installed a military regime. Since then, they have used violence and atrocities to maintain power and suppress any opposition voices. (end) nbs.mah

Source: Kuwait News Agency