Newspapers Review: Palestinian freedom fighters suspending hunger strike highlight of the dailies

The decision of the Palestinian freedom fighters incarcerated in Israel to suspend their hunger strike after the Israel Prison Services conceded to their demands was highlighted on the front page of the three Palestinian Arabic dailies published today.

They said in their main front-page story that the prisoners succeeded in forcing the prison services to stop all measures against them.

Al-Hayat al-Jadida daily said that President Mahmoud Abbas has made extensive contacts to put a halt to Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people and prisoners.

It also quoted Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh saying that by canceling the Disengagement Law, Israel is actually re-occupying the West Bank.

It also said dozens of injuries, arrests and demolition orders were documented in the occupied territories.

Al-Quds daily said the occupation authorities issued demolition orders against 20 homes and facilities in the West Bank.

It quoted nine countries members of the United Nations Security Council saying in a statement that the Israeli settlements in the occupied territories are illegal and that they are ready to support any peace initiative.

The paper also said the United States reprimanded the Israeli ambassador to Washington over the decision to cancel the Disengagement Law.

It said more than 200,000 people have called on Israel to end its apartheid system against the Palestinians.

Al-Ayyam daily said the West Jerusalem Israeli municipality is speeding up the construction of a 1200-unit settlement in the south of occupied East Jerusalem.

It said the Lawyers Union have stopped all protest measures and resumed work after reaching an agreement with the Palestinian government, while the teachers continue their strike demanding better pay from the government.

Source: Palestine news & Information Agency