OSCE official Charalambides discusses parliamentary elections in Kazakstan with the country’s Ambassador to Cyprus

Vice President of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe Parliamentary Assembly (OSCE PA), Cypriot MP Irene Charalambides, had on Friday a meeting with the Ambassador of Kazakhstan to Cyprus, Satybaldy Burshakov, in her capacity as Special Coordinator and Head of the OSCE Mission for monitoring the early parliamentary elections that will take in Kazakhstan on March 19, 2023 According to a House press release, Charalambides noted during the meeting the participation of many members of the OSCE PA as observers, a fact which reflects the great interest in the elections at the country. Burshakov referred to important reforms promoted by the President of Kazakhstan as regards the elections in the country, after the tragic events that took place in January 2022. Moreover, he referred to the reforms which aim, as he noted, in introducing measures to enhance women’s representation, in reducing the electoral quota and the preconditions for the establishment of new parties. He also referred to issues on which the election campaign focused. Charalambides thanked Burshakov for briefing her and assured that the OSCE seeks to contribute impartially in examining whether participating states abide by the democratic commitments they have undertaken, encouraging their most comprehensive implementation.

Source: Cyprus News Agency