Over 50, 000 youths benefited from CPF’s Haqiq initiative training in 2023

Amman: Crown Prince Foundation (CPF) on Tuesday held its annual meeting at King Hussein Business Park on its Haqiq, a flagship youth leadership initiative, which is being implemented in partnership with the Ministry of Education.

According to a CPF statement, the meeting, which was held under auspices of Minister of Education and Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr. Azmi Mahafzeh, reviewed achievements of Haqiq initiative for the year 2023, as well as honoring a number of champions for their contribution to achieving its goals.

During the past year, the CPF said the initiative successfully trained more than 50,000 people, which is nearly 5 times the number of participants in 2022 that served and benefited more than 120,000 local communities through 600 voluntary works.

Additionally, the CPF said the initiative successfully built capabilities of more than 400 trainers from Ministry of Education through training of trainers (TOT) program, adding that 12 champions took part in the cultura
l exchange program in Japan.

The CPF indicated that the initiative will be expanded, starting from the next cohort to include all 8th graders in all the Kingdom’s schools, which will be launched in a new form soon.

In his speech, Mahafzeh said: “Haqiq annual meeting is an opportunity to review the initiative’s achievements and developments, launched by His Highness Crown Prince Hussein bin Abdullah II, based his belief in achieving His Majesty King Abdullah II’s vision and also reflects Crown Prince’s awareness of importance of the youth role and need for their participation in decision-making.”

Source: Jordan News Agency