President meets ICC Prosecutor, urges swift action against Israeli aggression

President Mahmoud Abbas held a crucial meeting today at the Presidential headquarters in Ramallah with the Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), Karim Khan.

During the meeting, President Abbas briefed the ICC Prosecutor on the ongoing developments in Palestine, especially in light of the persisting Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people.

He highlighted the acts of genocide and ethnic cleansing being carried out these days by the Israeli occupation in Gaza, as well as the ongoing Israeli violations in the West Bank, including Jerusalem.

President Abbas urged Prosecutor Khan to expedite investigations and pursue legal action against Israeli war criminals responsible for war crimes committed in the Palestinian territories. The crimes include the intentional targeting of civilians, particularly children, women, and the elderly.

The President briefed the ICC Prosecutor on Israel’s violation of the sanctity of hospitals and shelters, the demolition of homes with civilian occupa
nts inside, as well as the crimes of settler-colonial expansion, ethnic cleansing, apartheid, and various other violations of international law and international humanitarian law.

He underscored that the absence of accountability encourages the Israeli occupation to persist in its crimes against the Palestinian people, who have endured 75 years of injustice, oppression, racial segregation, and ethnic cleansing.

President Abbas called for an immediate and complete cessation of Israeli aggression to spare civilians from the devastating impacts of airstrikes, killings, and destruction caused by the Israeli war machine. He urged an intensified effort to provide humanitarian aid, water, electricity, and fuel to alleviate the suffering of the Palestinian population.

Furthermore, he reiterated the rejection and of forced displacement of Palestinian citizens, whether in Gaza or the West Bank, including Jerusalem.

Source: Palestine News and Information Agency – WAFA