Shoukry asserts Egypt’s keenness on boosting cooperation with Sweden

Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry stressed on Tuesday Egypt’s keenness on consolidating ties with Sweden, particularly in light of the great development in Egypt.

This came during Shoukry’s meeting with Swedish Foreign Minister Ann Linde in Stockholm to discuss means of boosting bilateral cooperation in various domains, particularly in ICT, digital transformation, smart solutions, clean and sustainable energy production, electric grid development, automotive manufacturing and education development.

In statements, Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ahmed Hafez said Shoukry, during the meeting, stressed the importance of increasing the inbound tourism in Egypt.

Shoukry also posted Linde on developments in Egypt in various fields in terms of sustainable and socio-economic development, particularly in light of the challenges to the global economy and their negative impact on Egypt, the spokesman said.

The two ministers agreed on the importance of working to strengthen bilateral cooperation and continuing consultation and coordination between the two sides, the spokesman added.

Source: State Information Service Egypt