Sisi’ support for women enabled them to assume all posts – Morsi

President of the National Council for Women (NCW) Maya Morsi asserted President Abdel Fattah El Sisi’s support for Egyptian women enabled them to assume all posts in the country without discrimination.


Addressing celebrations, held to honor Egyptian women and ideal mothers with president Sisi and his spouse Intessar el Sisi attending on Wednesday 23/3/2022, Morsi added “We take pride that president Sisi supports Egyptian women before the world at large.”


For the first time in the history of the country, Egypt has female judges and prosecutors, she pointed out.


Morsi went on to say the password is the genuine political determination, which helped women enjoy all their constitutional rights.


The NCW, the Egyptian women’s home, is working in all governorates to help in programs of “Decent Life” and “Developing the Family,” she noted.


The government boosted integration and coordination to take into consideration needs of women and achievement of their economic development and empowerment, she added.



Source: State Information Service Egypt