Trade minister discusses investment opportunities with Qatar

Trade and Industry Minister Nevin Gamea discussed on Monday with Qatari Minister of State and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Free Zones Authority Ahmad Al-Sayed investment opportunities and capabilities of the free zones in the two countries.

During her visit to Doha, Gamea invited Sayed to visit Cairo to explore cooperation opportunities in the fields of developing free zones and increasing investments in them.

Sayed affirmed the importance of boosting cooperation with Egypt in different economic domains, pointing to the role of the Qatar Free Zones Authority, whose capital reaches $1 billion, in developing free zones.

During her meeting with CEO of Qatar Investment Authority (QIA) Mansour bin Ibrahim Al-Mahmoud, Gamea reviewed investment areas in Egypt. They discussed ways to benefit from QIA’s programs to finance projects in the Egyptian market in the coming period.

She also invited a delegation of QIA to visit Egypt to establish more partnerships between the two countries in the coming period.

Source: State Information Service Egypt