TRC takes part in Mobile World Congress 2024 in Barcelona

Amman: A delegation from Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (TRC) participated in the activities of the Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2024 in Barcelona, Spain, held under the slogan: “The Future First,” from February 25 to 28, and organized by Global System for Mobile Communications.

According to a TRC statement Sunday, the 2024 edition discussed multiple issues that reflect the “latest” trends and technologies in the field of the mobile phone industry, primarily the fifth generation technology and beyond, artificial intelligence, digital transformation during manufacturing, digital genetic fingerprinting, and others.

The statement said about 90,000 participants representing 183 decision-maker countries and parties interested in the telecom and information technology sector attended the event.

During his meeting with a number of delegations, TRC Chairman, Bassam Sarhan, discussed a group of local, regional and international issues of concern to the Jordanian commission as a regulatory body for the tele
com, information technology and postal sectors in the Kingdom.

In a meeting with the head of the National Communications and Media Commission of Iraq (NCMC), Sarhan also discussed signing a joint memorandum of understanding to exchange expertise in radio spectrum management.

Additionally, Sarhan met with the Secretary-General of International Telecommunication Union (ITU), Doreen Bogdan-Martin , who affirmed her support for TRC’s efforts and its “major” regulatory role in developing the Kingdom’s telecom and information technology sector, sustainable cooperation with the agency’s partners and counterparts and its support for exchanging technical expertise to serve its members.

Spaeking in a dialogue at the conference activities, Sarhan spoke about Jordan’s experience in regulating its telecom and information sector and introducing new services that keep pace with accelerating technological progress.

He pointed to the TRC’s incentives provided to telecom companies in Jordan and provision of regulatory faci
lities to “successfully” launch services of 5th generation technology.

Sarhan stressed the importance of managing the frequency spectrum at the national and regional levels, and frequency allocation, uses, and related investments.

Locally, he pointed to the TRC’s role in ensuring “enhanced” competition to protect current investors, attract new investments to the sector, and raise efficiency of Jordan’s other economic sectors and increase their productivity.

Source: Jordan News Agency