Sisi instructs applying international safety standards at El-Dabaa nuclear power ‎plant

Egypt’s President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi directed bodies concerned to apply international safety standards at El-Dabaa nuclear power plant being built in Matrouh Governorate on the Mediterranean coast.


El-Sisi made the directives during a meeting with director of the Military Academic College Maj. Gen. Ismail Mohamed Kamal and Presidential Adviser for Urban Planning Maj. Amir Sayed Ahmed.


The meeting discussed the outcome of the work of a higher committee concerned with ensuring compliance with all safety measures at the nuclear power plant being built in cooperation with Russia, said a presidential statement.


El-Dabaa nuclear power plant belongs to the 3rd generation of modern nuclear plants that are characterized by the highest degrees of safety and self-protection, as per the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Safety Standards, Kamal told the president during the meeting.


El-Sisi also instructed officials to review the density of population and urban planning of the area around El-Dabaa plant, while suspending all construction activities within the scope of the circular area dedicated to the project, whose radius measures 32 km, according to relevant international standards.


El-Sisi also emphasized the need for coordination among all the bodies involved in the project, including the Egyptian Nuclear Power Plants Authority (NPPA), the Egyptian Nuclear and Radiological Regulatory Authority (ENRRA) and the General Authority for Urban Planning (GAUP).


This coordination should aim to carry out a thorough study of future population growth around the project area, in cooperation with the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS), El-Sisi directed.


Source: State Information Service Egypt