PM witnesses inking of protocol to ease administrative procedures

Prime Minister Moustafa Madbouli has witnessed the inking ceremony of a cooperation protocol between the ministries of justice and planning meant to outline a national strategy to ease administrative procedures, where economic and financial issues are concerned.


Justice Minister Omar Marwan said the protocol sets a general framework of cooperation between him and Hala el Saeid, the Planning Minister, both of whom put their signatures to the deal earlier Wednesday.


The protocol stipulates no extra legal or financial commitments on both sides, Marwan noted.


It is just a framework of fruitful, positive cooperation between the two ministries, he said.


Minister Saeid, for her part, said the signing of the protocol followed a decision by the prime minister to sort and review laws that are in force at ministries, city halls and bodies concerned with reforming the business climate in Egypt.


Source: State Information Service Egypt