Foreign Ministry denounces Israel’s demolition of house, building in Sheikh Jarrah

The Foreign Ministry voiced complete rejection of Israel’s demolition of a Palestinian house and a building in Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in the occupied East Jerusalem (Al Quds) on Wednesday.

In a statement issued Thursday 20/1/2022, the ministry said that continued Israeli attempts to evict Palestinians from their homes constitute a flagrant violation of international and humanitarian laws, which further exacerbate the already troubled situation in the occupied Palestinian lands.


Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ahmed Hafez reiterated Egypt’s stand in opposition of Israel’s expansionist policies, including the building of new settlements and the expansion of existing ones as well as the forced displacement of Palestinians and the confiscation of their lands and property.


Israel’s persistence on continuing to carry out such unilateral policies undermine efforts to realize a two-state solution and nips in the bud all hopes for reaching just and comprehensive peace in the region, the spokesman warned.


Source: State Information Service Egypt