Dar Al-Iftaa to launch soon ‘Fatwa Pro’ application in 12 languages, says Grand Mufti

Egypt’s Grand Mufti Shawki Allam revealed on Tuesday 9/8/2022 that Dar Al-Iftaa will launch soon the “Fatwa Pro” application, supported in 12 languages to address Western issues with their ideas and languages.

“It is taken into consideration in the app that the fatwas change with the change of time, place, situation, and people. We are preparing this application to launch as soon as possible and it will be supported by 12 languages so that our ideas reach the whole world” Allam said.

Dar Al Iftaa, which is the body responsible for issuing religious edicts, is one of the first religious institutions in Egypt that was keen on an effective presence on social media, Sheikh Allam said, according to the state news agency, MENA.

He said that Dar Al Iftaa was the first institution to create an account on the “Tik Tok” application, noting that there are 30 million interactors weekly.

There is always an ongoing discussion on the website of the ideas that Dar Al-Iftaa presents within the framework of authentic moderate thought, Allam said, noting that the discussions are accepted by some and rejected by others, but this dialogue on the website is a positive one.

Source: State Information Service Egypt