US digital videogame storefront raises almost $1M for earthquake relief

US-based digital video game storefront Humble Bundle released a set of games, raising almost $1 million with 100% of charity donated to Türkiye-Syria earthquake relief.

“The devastating earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria have created an urgent humanitarian crisis. Hundreds of thousands of people are in immediate need of medical supplies, food, water, and shelter, and the road to recovery will continue to be extremely challenging for the people of the region,” the firm said on its website.

“To lend a hand how we can, we’ve joined forces with game makers & book publishers for a bundle 100% dedicated to supporting Türkiye-Syria quake relief efforts,” it added.

The San Francisco-based company said it raised 17 million Turkish liras, or $900,000, so far, as of 11.07 a.m. EDT (1607GMT).

The firm said the Türkiye-Syria earthquake relief bundle features over 70 items worth over $1,000, such as Gotham Knights — the 2022 open-world action-RPG featuring Batgirl, Nightwing, Red Hood and Robin.

The company has so far made a sale of 28,042 bundles for $30 apiece, or almost 566 Turkish liras, according to the website.

The proceeds will go to Direct Relief, International Medical Corps, and Save the Children in support of their ongoing Türkiye-Syria quake relief efforts, it said.

More than 45,000 people have died in Türkiye in the magnitude 7.7 and 7.6 earthquakes on Feb. 6. The earthquakes, which were centered in the province of Kahramanmaras, affected more than 13 million people across 11 provinces, including Hatay, Adana, Gaziantep, Diyarbakir, Adiyaman, Malatya, Kilis, Osmaniye, Elazig, and Sanliurfa.

In neighboring Syria, the death toll has climbed above 5,800.

Source: Anadolu Agency