Second Day of International Conference on Justice Discusses Using Artificial Intelligence, Role in Enhancing Justice

Riyadh, The second and final day of the International Conference on Justice witnessed a session under the theme “Using Artificial Intelligence to Enhance Justice,” with the participation of Eng. Yaser Al-Sudais, Deputy Minister of Justice for Planning and Development, Francesca Mazzi, a researcher at Oxford University interested in intersections between technology and law, and a researcher at East China University for Political Science and Law.

The session discussed the development and utilization of technology in the justice field and how to control it to reach accurate answers without mistakes. Participants emphasized the importance of using technology and artificial intelligence to achieve sustainable development goals while ensuring human intervention to oversee what is produced.

Al-Sudais highlighted the opportunity to reduce time by using artificial intelligence and the Ministry’s efforts to utilize it well, establish a robust infrastructure and establish a project for modelling legal issues through technology.

He also mentioned the launch of a case-attribution system to collect data and identify cases that overburden courts, where artificial intelligence is helping to ensure that sentences are implemented appropriately and accurately while working to avoid errors that might be made by the technology and working on its development.

Source: Saudi Press Agency