NATO chief welcomes Indo-Pacific partner countries

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg Wednesday welcomed Foreign Ministers of Japan Yoshimasa Hayashi, of New Zealand Nanaia Mahuta, Vice Foreign Minister of South Korea Do Hoon Lee, and Deputy Ambassador of Australia to NATO David Dutton to NATO Headquarters.

“We highly value the partnership with the Indo-Pacific partners of NATO: Australia, New Zealand, South Korea and Japan,” he told reporters.

“What happens in your region, what happens in the Indo-Pacific matters for Europe. And what happens in Europe matters for you,” he said.

Stoltenberg noted that the war in Ukraine “demonstrates this clearly with its global ramifications.! “And the fact that we also see that China and Russia are standing in closer together, makes it just even more important that we are standing together as partners,” he added.

They will meet later today the thirty-one NATO foreign ministers at NATO headquarters, he added.

Source: Kuwait News Agency