UAE Chambers reviews mechanisms of operation of UAE-Iran Business Council

ABU DHABI, 3rd October, 2023 (WAM) — The UAE Chambers discussed the mechanisms of operation of the UAE-Iran Business Council in a way that maintains common business interests while taking into account the global economic landscape and trends. This came during a meeting between Hamid Mohammed Bin Salem, Secretary-General of UAE Chambers, and Mohammad Mojtabaei, Commercial Counsellor at the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Abu Dhabi, in the presence of Ahmad Jamei’ AlQizi, Director of the Economic Department at UAE Chambers. The two sides agreed that the new mechanisms of the Council will focus on enhancing communication and discussing the challenges and opportunities facing businesses in both countries. They also committed to upholding the highest standards of transparency and compliance with existing legislation and best practices.The UAE-Iran Business Council was established in 2014 to explore investment opportunities between the two countries in a range of fields, including food, health, and t
ourism. The Council also serves as a platform for senior business leaders in both the UAE and Iran to facilitate trade exchange and partnerships. Hatem Mohamed

Source: Emirates News Agency