Premier applauds South Africa’s lawsuit against Israel for its genocide of Palestinians

RAMALLAH: Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh expressed today his gratitude for South Africa’s legal action in the International Court of Justice (ICJ) against Israel for committing the crime of genocide against the Palestinian people in Gaza.

Addressing a gathering in Nelson Mandela Square in Ramallah, Shtayyeh commended South Africa for taking a bold step, as he spoke on behalf of the Palestinian leadership, the factions of the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Palestinian nation as a whole.

“Today, Israel stands accused before the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court. It is accused on the streets of South Africa, London, Paris, Berlin, Washington, Madrid, and Brussels. Israel is accused by every free and honorable Arab, African, and every free human being on this earth,” stated the Prime Minister.

Shtayyeh questioned whether killing 23,000 people in Gaza, cutting off water, electricity, and medicine, and attempting to kill 60,000 people and demolishing 271,000 homes c
onstituted genocide.

He asserted that “those who support Israel in committing murder are criminals,” emphasizing that “Israel was built upon the crimes it committed against the Palestinian people from Deir Yassin to Tantura, Dawaima, and Gaza.”

He went on to say, “The indictment against Israel was signed by South African President Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa with the ink of Nelson Mandela’s legacy, Desmond Tutu, and Steve Biko. Colonialism, settlement, and the apartheid system that lasted from 1640 to 1994 in South Africa were defeated.”

“Here we are facing genocide, destruction of homes, uprooting of trees, settler terrorism, a racist apartheid system, claims of racial superiority, forced displacement attempts, land annexation, and military occupation. Despite all this, we will triumph and achieve our right to self-determination,” Shtayyeh continued.

Expressing gratitude to Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Nicaragua, Chile, Bangladesh, Turkey, Malaysia, Egypt, Tunisia, Iraq, and Djibouti for
supporting South Africa’s request, the premier urged the world to follow South Africa’s path, moving from condemnation to sanctions.

He called for an end to the Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people, the war of genocide, hunger, thirst, and slow killing.

Standing in front of the statue of Nelson Mandela, he declared, “Long live Palestine, long live South Africa, long live the friendship between nations, and surely we will triumph. Crimes are a reality, the Palestinians are right, and justice will prevail. Long live South Africa, long live Palestine, and victory to our people.”

Source: Palestine news and Information Agency – WAFA