Ahmed bin Mohammed chairs meeting of Dubai Media Council, approves Dubai Media’s strategy

DUBAI: H.H. Sheikh Ahmed bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Second Deputy Ruler of Dubai and Chairman of the Dubai Media Council, has approved the new strategy and action plan for Dubai Media (formerly known as Dubai Media Incorporated) at a meeting of the Council held at the Dubai Design District.

The action plan includes a detailed timeline for the strategy’s implementation.

Aligned with the vision of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, to enhance the media’s role as a partner in the nation’s development journey, the strategy seeks to advance the Council’s objective to foster greater creativity in the sector and broaden strategic partnerships to bolster Dubai’s position as a hub for talent in the industry.

Key objectives of the strategy include doubling the media sector’s contribution to Dubai’s GDP, attracting more foreign direct investment, enhancing intellectual property in local media, nurturing media competencies and talent, and rai
sing the participation of nationals in the sector. Additionally, the Council emphasised the need to expand strategic partnerships by facilitating greater contributions from private sector companies, which in turn will support the broader development of the industry within Dubai.

Sheikh Ahmed said, ‘Guided by the vision and directives of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid, we continue to work to raise the creative potential of Dubai’s media sector, ensuring it produces high-quality content and keeps pace with the rapid global changes shaping the industry.’

He emphasised the need for further initiatives to consolidate Dubai’s status as a leading global media hub. He highlighted the importance of an environment that nurtures creativity, encourages collaboration and boosts productivity. Additionally, forging strategic partnerships to attract investments is crucial for strengthening the media economy and reinforcing Dubai’s role as a hub for developing and empowering industry talent, he added.

Sheikh Ahmed
urged the Council to intensify efforts to develop new initiatives and programmes that raise the capabilities of national talent to contribute to the sector’s development. He noted that initiatives like the Mohammed Bin Rashid Scholarship for Emirati Media Students play a crucial role in nurturing future media professionals.

Mona Al Marri, Vice Chairperson and Managing Director of the Dubai Media Council, said that Dubai Media’s new strategy encompasses 21 projects that will be tracked through 117 key indicators. Key goals of the strategy include upskilling media talent, forging new partnerships, attracting foreign investments in the sector, continued development of cutting-edge infrastructure, and adoption of the latest technologies.

The new strategy for Dubai Media will also factor in legislative aspects to keep pace with the changes shaping the sector. Other core focuses of the strategy include the comprehensive review of all content produced by Dubai Media and the development of e-games, she added.

ded by His Highness Sheikh Ahmed bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, the Dubai Media Council is actively working to accelerate the implementation of the new Dubai Media strategy. Employing an innovative approach that resonates with the city’s rapid development as a hub for creativity and innovation, we seek to raise Dubai’s media competitiveness while maintaining its local character,’ Al Marri said.

The meeting also looked at new approaches to enhance the Mohammed Bin Rashid Scholarship for Emirati Media Students, which provides full coverage of school fees. The discussions touched on optimising the scholarship to provide internship opportunities for outstanding students and expanding the pool of its partners to expand internship and training prospects. Furthermore, the meeting discussed the objectives of the Dubai Film And TV Commission.

The meeting was attended by Board Members of the Dubai Media Council including Malek Sultan Al Malek, Abdullah Humaid Belhoul, Younis Abdulaziz Al Nasser, Issam Kazim, Moh
ammed Al Mulla and Amal bin Shabib. The meeting was also attended by Nehal Badri, Secretary-General of the Council.
Source: Emirates News Agency

Chinese tourism booms as New Year approaches: experts

BEIJING: As New Year approaches, experts noted that the Chinese economy remains on the trajectory of accelerating recovery, with new growth drivers continuously emerging which keeps fueling the momentum well into 2024.

Data from major travel platforms has indicated a comprehensive recovery for both domestic and cross-border tourism, Global Times reported.

As of 15th December, overall travel bookings for the New Year’s Day holiday had surged more than threefold compared to the previous year, with hotel reservations experiencing a remarkable increase of over fivefold. Airline ticket bookings have seen a remarkable growth of 205 percent year-on-year, according to data sent to the Global Times by the online travel agency Trip.com on Monday.

The tourism sector has shown a remarkable recovery throughout the year, especially with the speeded-up integration of “cultural, sports and tourism.” New business patterns are emerging, well embraced by consumers, and are expected to further propel the recovery of the econo
my, experts said.

Per data released by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) on 15th December, the services industry experienced rapid growth in November, as year-on-year growth of the national service production index came in at 9.3 percent, accelerating 1.6 percentage points compared to the previous month.

In the first three quarters, China’s total retail sales of consumer goods reached 34.2 trillion yuan ($4.79 trillion), up 6.8 percent year-on-year. Final consumption expenditure contributed 83.2 percent to economic growth in the first three quarters, contributing 4.4 percentage points to GDP growth. In the third quarter alone, final consumption expenditure contributed 94.8 percent to economic growth, NBS data showed.

In a recent exclusive interview with the Global Times, Steven Alan Barnett, senior IMF resident representative in China said that the performance in the first three quarters of this year was stronger than expected. A key factor was strong growth in household consumption.

The New Year’s
Day and the upcoming Spring Festival holidays constitute a traditional peak season for consumption. Coupled with the thriving winter consumption trends, from tourism and cultural activities to the brisk sales of winter heating products, all will significantly contribute to enhancing consumption vitality and driving economic growth in the new year, Zhang Yi, CEO of iiMedia Research Institute, told the Global Times on Monday.

In addition to the booming domestic tourism and related consumption, China has also made concrete efforts to boost cross-border trips in the year, from optimising entry and exit procedures to expanding the list of countries eligible for unilateral visa-free access.

Meanwhile, Chinese tourists have been a crucial source of visitors for numerous international tourist destinations. With China continuously deepening its opening-up policies, both China’s inbound and outbound tourism will be significant forces in promoting the recovery of the international tourism industry, experts stressed.
ource: Emirates News Agency

Palestinian resistance: Netnyahu’s remarks on “voluntary” displacement a war crime

Amman: Palestinian resistance factions in the beleagured Gaza Strip said Tuesday that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s remarks on the “voluntary” displacement of Palestinians is a war crime and a crime against humanity, and that he should be tried in international courts.

“These racist statements are a continuation of the genocidal war and the policy of coercive displacement of the Palestinians amid the ongoing aggression, killing, destruction and siege,” the factions said in a statement.

They said Netanyahu’s use of “voluntary” is an attempt at deception and is part of his plan to liquidate the Palestinian cause.

It reiterated that the Palestinian people are steadfast and will not leave their homeland or surrender, and “that is the obstacle to the racist plans of the occupation (authority), but not a lack of countries to host the refugees,” as Netanyahu stated.
Source: Jordan News Agency


Rebirth Beirut is delighted to announce its upcoming art exhibition, “Colors in Motion,” featuring the captivating works of the Lebanese-American artist from Armenian roots, Missak Terzian. The exhibition will be held at Rebirth Beirut’s headquarters in Gemmayze, with the opening scheduled for December 28, 2023, from 6 to 9 pm. The exhibition will be open to the public daily from 3 to 7 pm, until January 5thexcluding Sundays and January 1st 2024.

Missak Terzian, born in Beirut in 1949, is a distinguished contemporary painter known for his semi-abstract figurative and modern abstract expressionist works.

The artist’s paintings are featured in collections across Europe, the United States, Canada, Lebanon, Armenia, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and China. Terzian’s works are on permanent display at prestigious institutions worldwide and are part of collections of prominent art collectors.

Reflecting on his artistic journey, Terzian states, “As a painter, I mark time with memories and baptize them wi
th colors. Most of the time, it is nature that inspires me.”

Rebirth Beirut’s Founder and President, Mr. Gaby Fernaine, expressed pride in hosting yet another extraordinary exhibition, stating, “With Missak’s work, we venture into a world of colors and beauty, aligning with the goals of Rebirth Beirut to spread love and culture in the city.”

A portion of the proceeds from the exhibition will contribute to Rebirth Beirut’s ongoing initiatives. These initiatives focus on vital projects aimed at enhancing the city’s infrastructure, including the rehabilitation of traffic lights and street lighting.

Rebirth Beirut’s team wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2024 and is waiting to welcome all art lovers and friends at its headquarters.
Source: National News Agency – Lebanon