Inclusive education conference kicks off

Amman: The Ministry of Education and the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) have gotten together to hold a conference that tackles inclusive education practices and applied research in the Jordanian education system.

The 2-day Inclusive Education in Jordan Conference, which commenced Wednesday, brought together policymakers, donors, academics, educational experts, researchers, school principals, teachers, parents, and support and advocacy professionals to present economically feasible and innovative methodologies for creating a friendly learning environment in Jordanian public schools.

During the conference’s opening ceremony, held under the patronage of HRH Prince Mired Bin Raad, the education ministry’s Secretary General for Administrative and Financial Affairs Najwa Qubeilat said the government, along with its national and international partners, is committed to achieving the Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4), which seeks to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

GIZ-Jordan Regional Director Elisabeth Gerbach stressed the importance of unifying Jordanian and international principles by ratifying the Jordan Declaration on Inclusion and Diversity in Education, which guarantees the inclusion of all categories of children, especially those at risk of exclusion.

During interactive sessions at the conference, international and local educational experts will work to provide evidence-based results on the importance of inclusive education, especially in early childhood, address challenges of students with disabilities, and share success stories about inclusive education, in addition to several practices that will be presented by organizations participating in an exhibition held on the sidelines of the conference.

Source: Jordan News Agency