AEG’s Fame Forest Debuts the World’s First Digital Mandela of Inclusion in Partnership With Renowned German Sound Installation Kymat by Sven Meyer

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / January 31, 2024 / AEG’s eco-social initiative, FAME FOREST, brought together interfaith leaders, performers and the general public to create the world’s first digital mandala symbolizing inclusion. The event was produced…

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / January 31, 2024 / AEG’s eco-social initiative, FAME FOREST, brought together interfaith leaders, performers and the general public to create the world’s first digital mandala symbolizing inclusion. The event was produced in cooperation with renowned German sound artist Sven Meyers, who is known for his spectacular performance installation, KYMAT.

Under the direction of the Hamburg-based musical trio Sons of Hamburg, Joja Wendt, Stefan Gwildis, and Rolf Claussen, nearly a hundred people including Lilo Wanders, Sandra Quadflieg, Rabbi Shlomo Bistritzky, Archbishop Stefan Heße, Paralympic champion Edina Müller, gathered at AEG’s Barclay’s Arena to create a picture of inclusion.

Standing together in a circle, participants held a long note in unison. The sound waves from the polyphonic tone created the digital mandala "We are One," which represented the world’s first visual sound creation of unity and oneness.

The mandala serves as a reminder that differences in gender, appearance, origin, belief, social status, fame, age, skin color, sexual/political orientation, and disability are not obstacles, but an enrichment to society.

"Diversity and inclusion are the cornerstones of creating better world for everyone and we are thrilled to work with Sven on the Kymat Project," said Steve Schwenkglenks, Vice President & Managing Director of Barclays Arena. "From its inception, FAME FOREST has been symbol of unity and our aim with this event was to challenges barriers and raise awareness to overcome the inequalities facing handicapped and marginalized communities. Only by accepting everyone into society and creating economic opportunities for them, can we create a better world for all."

FAME FOREST is an eco-social cooperation project between AEG and the non-profit organization Das Geld hängt an den Bäumen (Money Grows on Trees). Every artist that performs at Barclays Arena receives a tree planted in their name in the FAME FOREST and to date more than 12,000 trees have been planted. The non-profit, Das Geld hängt an den Bäumen, provides full-and part-time employment to handicapped and marginalized people living in Hamburg who pick and process fruit into juices, spritzers and seltzers that are sold in supermarkets across Germany.

Under the direction of the Hamburg-based musical trio Sons of Hamburg, Joja Wendt, Stefan Gwildis, and Rolf Claussen, nearly a hundred people gathered at AEG’s Barclay’s Arena to create a picture of inclusion.

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Spokesperson: AEG


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