ASEZA and GIZ Sign Agreement to Support Entrepreneurship in Aqaba

Aqaba – The Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority (ASEZA) and the Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Economic Development and Employment project, implemented by the German Corporation for International Cooperation (GIZ), have signed a memorandum of understanding.

According to Jordan News Agency, This agreement, endorsed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), focuses on fostering a supportive environment for startups.

The signing ceremony, overseen by Minister of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship Ahmed Hanandeh and Chairman of ASEZA Nayef Fayez, was attended by representatives from various public and private local community institutions. The agreement aims to create an integrated support system for startups, enhancing services and fostering innovation and growth within the Aqaba region.

Additionally, the establishment of an Aqaba entrepreneurship network was announced, involving 18 institutions from public, private sectors, and civil society, all under the umbrella of ASEZA’s youth and entrepreneurship commission.