Dozens of Jewish extremists raid Al Aqsa Mosque

Some 54 extremist Jewish settlers, escorted by Israeli police, stormed into the Al Aqsa Mosque/ Haram Al Sharif in occupied Jerusalem.

In the latest provocation, the settlers broke into the compound from Bab Al Magharebah Gate in the walled Old City of Jerusalem and performed prayers, prompting protests by Muslim worshipers and Mosque guards, the Islamic Waqf (endowments) Department said in a statement.

The occupation police have imposed tight restrictions on worshipers trying to access the compound since the start of the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip.

Far-right Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir has not only issued repeated orders barring Palestinians from the occupied West Bank from Al Aqsa Mosque during the holy month of Ramadan, but allowed right-wing Israelis and settlers to access the compound in the last, holiest ten days of the fasting month.

Source: Jordan News Agency