Egypt, Djibouti probe trade ties, joint investments

Minister of Trade and Industry Nivene Gamea discussed on Monday 1/8/2022 with Djibouti’s Minister of Commerce and Tourism Mohamed Warsama Dirieh and his accompanying delegation ways to cement economic relations.

A statement issued by the Ministry of Trade and Industry on Monday said the two ministers reviewed global economic developments in the aftermath of COVID-19 pandemic and the Russian-Ukrainian crisis.

The Djiboutian minister is leading a delegation of senior businessmen on a current trip to Egypt, said the statement, adding that the minister’s visit is an important step towards promoting trade relations between the two countries and a good chance to increase Egyptian exports to Djibouti and meet the needs of the African country of agricultural crops and food products.

Minister Gamea pointed out to President Abdel Fattah El Sisi’s directives to eliminate all obstacles impeding bilateral trade exchange especially in light of the presence of a direct air route and a maritime freight line between the two countries, a matter that facilitates the movement of trade.

The minister stressed the importance of supporting efforts to establish an Egyptian logistics area in Djibouti to meet its market needs of Egyptian products.

She pointed out that President Sisi’s historic visit in May to Djibouti and a visit by Djiboutian president Ismail Omar Guelleh to Egypt in February paved the way for a new phase of relations between the two countries.

She added that the trade exchange between the two countries recorded a tangible rise as it reached 95 million dollars in 2021 against 82.1 million in 2020.

Gamea stressed the importance of activating a memo of understanding signed between the two countries in 2016 in the field of promoting trade relations.

For his part, the Djiboutian minister expressed his country’s keenness on expanding joint economic relations.

He described Djibouti as a strategic depth for the Egyptian state in the Red Sea.

Source: State Information Service Egypt