Egypt follows up on investigation of pharmacist killed in Saudi Arabia

Egypt is following up on an investigation into the killing of Egyptian pharmacist Mohamed Faisal at work on Thursday in Saudi Arabia’s Al-Amwah in the province of Asir.

A consular delegate will attend the investigations alongside Saudi authorities, Minister of Emigration and Egyptian Expatriates’ Affairs Soha Gendy said in a statement on Friday 28/04/2023.

The delegate will be responsible for watching surveillance footage, listening to witnesses and continuing investigations to identify the perpetrator, Gendy said.

Faisal’s body will be brought to Egypt once approved by the investigation authorities, the minister said.

Gendy expressed confidence in the legal measures taken by the investigation authorities in the kingdom.

Pharmacists and social media users expressed grief over the death of Faisal, 43, who leaves behind an eight-year-old child.

Egyptian media quoted Faisal’s family as saying he was killed by gunfire.

Ahmed Zalouk, the head of the Egyptian Pharmacists Syndicate in the Beheira governorate, said contact has been made with investigative authorities to repatriate the body of the deceased and take legal measures to bring justice to the victim.

“We have full confidence in the justice of the investigations in [Saudi Arabia],” Zalouk said in a Facebook post, saying the syndicate’s board will be convening continuously until the investigations end.

The head of the Cairo Pharmacy Syndicate, Mohamed El-Sheikh, said there have been “good indicators” after Saudi authorities viewed surveillance footage and collected fingerprints at the scene.

Saudi Arabia is home to Egypt’s largest expat community and hosts over two million Egyptian workers.

Source: State Information Service Egypt