Israeli forces demolish four Palestinian homes in occupied West Bank

Ramallah: Israeli forces demolished on Monday four homes in Masafer Yatta, south of Hebron, in the southern occupied West Bank.

The coordinator of the Popular Committees to Resist the Separation Wall and Settlements, south of Hebron, Ratib Jbour, said the occupation forces had demolished four houses in the village of Sha’ab al-Batem, east of Yatta.

The coordinator of the Protection and Resilience Committees in Masafer Yatta and the South Hebron Mountains, Fouad Amr, explained that 40 people were left in the open after their homes were demolished.

Amr added that the demolition aimed to expand the so-called “Avigal” settlement adjacent to the village, illegally built on Palestinian-owned lands.

He called on human rights and international organisations to stop the Israeli forces’ “barbaric” practices that aim to expel Palestinians from their homes.

Source: Jordan News Agency