Jordan Showcases Educational Excellence at International Exhibition in Kuwait

Amman: Jordan participated in the international exhibition (Q8 EDUEX) focused on educational tourism, which commenced Wednesday evening in Kuwait.

The Ministry of Higher Education showcased a dedicated pavilion, coordinated by the Foreign Student Affairs Unit, featuring representatives from four Jordanian universities: University of Jordan, Yarmouk University, Jordan University of Science and Technology, and Princess Sumaya University of Science and Technology, as stated by the media spokesperson, Muhannad Khatib.

Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Azmi Muhafza, emphasized the significance of Jordanian universities’ presence in such exhibitions, highlighting the necessity for universities to promote themselves and their specialized programs in alignment with contemporary demands and global workforce needs.

Acknowledging Jordan’s esteemed reputation in higher education, Muhafza emphasized the importance of leveraging this reputation to attract more international students to both public an
d private Jordanian universities, citing the successful integration of thousands of international graduates into their respective job markets.

Secretary-General of the Ministry and Chair of the Committee for Recruiting International Students at the Higher Education Council, Mamoun Dabai, noted the strategic partnership between the Ministry and the Tourism Promotion Authority, aimed at bolstering educational tourism in Jordan.

Jordan’s participation in the exhibition aligns with the strategic plan to attract international students to Jordanian higher education institutions for the years (2023-2027), recently endorsed by the Council of Ministers, with a focus on enhancing educational tourism and increasing the influx of international students.

Further, Dabai highlighted that the Ministry and Jordanian universities will engage in additional exhibitions across various countries throughout 2024.

Source: Jordan News Agency