Jordan slams Israeli minister’s “racist” statements, “hateful” action

Jordan, on Monday, strongly condemned the Israeli Minister of Finance’s action during his participation in an event in Paris yesterday, showing a map that included the borders of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and the occupied Palestinian territories as part of “Israel”.

In a statement, Jordanian Foreign Ministry described the action as a reckless incitement and a violation of international norms and the Jordanian-Israeli Peace Treaty.

According to the statement, the Jordanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs also condemned the extremist racist and inciting statements made by the Israeli minister regarding the Palestinian people and their right to exist and their historical rights in their independent and sovereign state on Palestinian soil.

The Ministry also affirmed that it will take all necessary political and legal measures to address such extremist, hateful actions and statements.

Meantime, the Palestinian Presidency said that the racist statements made by the extremist Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, in which he denied the existence of the Palestinian people, is an attempt to falsify history. In a press statement, the Presidency stressed that these statements reveal the racism of the Israeli government, which is trying to deny the existence of the Palestinian people who have been on these lands since ever.

Source: Kuwait News Agency