Jordan’s Industrial Sector Sees 35pct Female Participation

Recent data underscores a notable trend in Jordan’s industrial landscape: women now comprise 35% of the sector’s workforce.This translates to over 91,000 female professionals out of a total of roughly 267,000, distributed across the Kingdom’s myriad industrial establishments.The Jordan Chamber of Industry further highlights that women are not just employees but also key stakeholders, with approximately 1,500 holding pivotal roles as members, partners, or business owners in over 600 industrial entities.The Chamber’s report sheds light on the reasons behind this upward trajectory in female employment. Among the factors cited are women’s high productivity, strict adherence to labor regulations, and consistent job stability.Comparative studies within the sector reveal a lower turnover rate for female employees, standing at 15%, in contrast to their male counterparts at 25%.However, challenges persist. Certain sub-sectors, such as construction, plastics, and wood industries, see a limited female presence, with
women making up a mere 5% of the workforce.On the brighter side, industries like leather, textiles, and therapeutic sectors are more welcoming, with female participation rates of 67% and 35%, respectively.In a bid to bolster women’s economic involvement, several initiatives have been launched. Notably, the Productive Branches Initiative by the Ministry of Labor aims to establish new factory branches in underserved areas, focusing on training and employing Jordanian women.Over the past two years, this initiative has seen the establishment of more than 30 production branches across various governorates, with a staggering 90% of the 8,000 new jobs being filled by women.The government’s recognition of the industrial sector’s potential has led to the introduction of incentives, including a recent tax incentive system. This system ties benefits to the increase in female employment rates within industrial firms, further promoting the hiring of women.With a vision of economic progression, the Chamber is committed to
enhancing female participation in the labor market. This aligns with broader goals of elevating the nation’s GDP per capita and improving Jordan’s standing in the Global Competitiveness Index by the World Economic Forum.In the coming period, the Chamber, in collaboration with the public sector, aims to foster a more inclusive industrial environment for women. This includes the provision of national programs tailored to align educational and training outcomes with the sector’s evolving needs.To put things in perspective, women make up 47.1% of Jordan’s total population, equating to around 5.3 million individuals. However, their economic participation rate stands at 13.8%, with an unemployment rate of 31.4%. The data further breaks down unemployment rates by age and education, revealing that females aged 20-24 face the highest unemployment at 49.1%.In terms of regional disparities, Irbid Governorate has the highest female unemployment rate at 36.3%, followed closely by Tafila Governorate at 36%. In contrast, Ma
‘an Governorate reports the lowest rate at 21.9%.

Source: Jordan News Agency