Police warn arrest for festive firing

The Public Security Directorate (PSD) announced Tuesday that it is taking measures against festive firing, including arresting suspect shooters and the property owners where shootings would happen.

The Director of the Laboratory and Forensic Evidence Department, Colonel Nayef Zyoud, said police departments had been reinforced with field crime scene teams to examine empty gun bullets to determine the type of weapon used and bullet trajectory to arrest the shooters.

The PSD’s warnings come ahead of the announcement of the high school (Tawjihi) exam results, a cause of the festive firing in Jordan.

Zyoud added that the work of the Criminal Laboratories Department is based on “certainty, not belief. Bringing offenders to justice is not based on suspicion.”

Zyoud said, “No case of shooting bullets will be closed before the offender is identified, with the periodic review of cases whose perpetrator is unknown, and comparing any seized weapon with all cases,” noting that firing bullets is a crime according to the law.

He added that 50 per cent of bullets fired into the air would land on someone or their property.

Source: Jordan News Agency