President Abbas chairs meeting of heads of Palestinian factions in Egypt

Under the chairmanship of President Mahmoud Abbas, a meeting of the heads of the Palestinian factions kick-started today in the city of El-Alamein in the Arab Republic of Egypt. The meeting is expected to discuss the latest developments in the Palestinian arena, and ways to restore national unity and end the division in light of the great challenges facing the Palestinian cause aimed at liquidating the Palestinian national project. Ahead of the meeting, the heads of the Palestinian factions participating in the meeting and the accompanying delegations held several meetings, during which they stressed the need to come up with decisions to strengthen national cohesion and support the steadfastness of the Palestinian people in the face of the daily attacks by the Israeli occupation and settlers on cities, villages and refugee camps, and the violations committed by the occupation government in occupied Jerusalem. President Abbas is also scheduled to meet on Monday with his Egyptian counterpart, Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, to discuss the latest developments in Palestine, and the efforts made to advance the peace process and end the Israeli occupation.

Source: En – Palestine news & Information Agency – WAFA