Prime Minister says appointing a Saudi ambassador to Palestine carries an important message

Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh today said the appointment of a Saudi ambassador to Palestine carries an important message, that the two sides in one trench and the Palestinian-Saudi relations are strong and strategic. The Prime Minister made this remark upon receiving in his office the new non-resident Saudi ambassador to Palestine and Consul General in Jerusalem, Nayef bin Bandar al-Sudairi. “The rise and progress of the Kingdom is good for Muslims and Arabs and good for Palestine in particular. We are happy with the pioneering and advanced Saudi role in the region and the world, because this pushes the Palestinian cause forward, amid a state of international double standards,” said Shtayyeh. He said the Saudi position ‘is exceptional in its clarity regarding the Palestinian issue, and there is agreement that the Arab Peace Initiative is the acceptable basis for all parties,” adding, “The Israeli government today has moved from secular Zionism to religious Zionism, so there is an intensification of sett
lement activity, an intensification of the raids on Al-Aqsa Mosque, greater aggression, and more killing. Israel is waging four wars against us: a war on land by seizing it, a war on people by killing and displacing our people in Jerusalem and elsewhere, a war on money with illegal and unaudited deductions from our money, which has put us on the brink of collapse, and finally a war on the narrative through an attempt to Judaize Jerusalem.” He stressed, ‘At a time when we do not see a political horizon and there is no partner in an extreme right-wing government, we are working to put our internal house in order and we are making every effort to complete reconciliation, the most recent was in Algeria and Egypt, implementing an integrated reform agenda, covering all administrative aspects, public finance, local government, and others, held all possible elections, including municipalities, chambers of commerce, unions, professional unions, and student councils, and we want the world to support us in pressuring Is
rael to enable us to hold general elections in all governorates of the country, including Jerusalem.’ The Prime Minister and the Saudi ambassador discussed enhancing cooperation between the two countries, pushing towards institutionalizing the relationship between them and enhancing contacts between the two governments and the two private sectors. For his part, the Saudi ambassador stressed the concern of King Salman bin Abdulaziz and Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman for Palestine and their connection to it, pointing out that the Arab Peace Initiative is the focal point of any future peace process.

Source: Palestine news and Information Agency – WAFA